Modern Mythology

Urban Myth # 1: Farmers, like bears, hibernate in the winter.
Maybe in the far north where it freezes solid in October and does not thaw out until late May. Down south, change of seasons simply means change of crops. While our Yankee counterparts are sitting in front of warm fires, sipping wine and perusing the seed catalogs dreaming of the season to come, the southern cousins are hard at work. We are busy harvesting the crops planted in the heat of summer and we continue to start subsequent batches of cool loving vegetables and greens. Potatoes are finally in the ground and the real work of starting the flats of summer vegetables must begin. Did we mention the fruit trees and grapes and berries that must be pruned and trained while dormant? Also the new vines, canes and trees that must be planted? And the 100 asparagus crowns that need setting out in new beds that had to be dug? Of course, we must not let the 3000 leek sets fall off the list of planting chores. While the seasonal jobs somehow get accomplished there is the regular business of leaf collecting and compost making to continue in preparation of the next seasons’ soil needs. The closest the deep south comes to dormancy is August, when it is just to hot to move.

Urban Myth # 2: Southern Farmers spend the month of August, lolling on the beach, sipping margaritas while perusing seed catalogs and dreaming of the season to come.

The source of this fairytale was traced to a northern farmer, returning home in a stupor after an 18 hour day in the fields when the sun finally set.

Urban Myth # 3: Visitors are not welcome at working farms. They interfere with work in progress.
Visitors are very welcome at Knopp Branch Farm. Mostly because we shamelessly put them to work or better yet, use them as an excuse to take a break and have a walk-about.

Country Myth # 1: City dwellers do not have the foggiest idea of what life on a farm entails.
Urbanites think we swan around in pristine ironed white shirts and starched coveralls and sip lemonade under shade trees and chew straw. We strongly urge you to become a mythbuster and pay us a visit. Directions to the farm are on our web site. Call and let us know you are coming so you won’t catch us napping.федерация футбола украины Павелкоtrans siberian train runs between which two placesвоспаление полости рта лечение народными средствами

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